Skinning a roe buck to prepare for a shoulder mount
Important: Leave enough hide on the head, and do not use a windpipe cut!
However it is not always possible to give the animal to the taxidermist quickly after it has been shot.
The hunter normally separates the parts to be mounted from the rest of the animal himself.
One of the most frequent mistakes here is that the round cut at the lower end of the mount is not far enough back.
The picture shows how to make the cut. After this cut has been made, the skin is removed from the body up to the head, and finally the head is cut off at the top vertebra. The taxidermist thus receives the unblemished skin with the head.
If you are on a safar abroad, you will have to pre-preserve your trophies. . To do so, you must remove the whole head and the skin. We understand preserving as making skins and furs durable.
Types of preservation:
Air drying: the skin is only dried in the air. Wet preservation: the skin is immersed in a solution of alcohol or salt. The most traditional manner is to salt or freeze the skin (the fastest type of preservation)
Before or after the kill, talk to the hunter accompanying you or hunt leader about what is to happen to the trophy. If the game is to be prepared, you must take this into account during transport and when gutting it. If you are planning a foreign hunting trip, you must talk to your taxidermist beforehand. He can give you useful tips to ensure that you not only have a successful hunt, but also so that the trophy you take home does not suffer any damage. It is the trophy that will be your longest lasting treasure from the hunt.
The picture shows how to make the cut. After this cut has been made, the skin is removed from the body up to the head, and finally the head is cut off at the top vertebra. The taxidermist thus receives the unblemished skin with the head.